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  7下Unit5测试卷 (东张中学备课组)
  (    )1. John often asks his teacher_______ help.
  A. to    B. with    C. for    D. on
  (    )2. I couldn't do it_______ your great help. Thanks a lot!
  A. with    B. without    C. for    D. to
  (    )3. I carried the bowl with both hands_______, so that I wouldn't break it.
  A. carefully    B. happily    C. quickly    D. carelessly
  (    )4. -Are you_______ of the dark?
  -Yes, so I always go to sleep with my bedroom lights_______.
  A. worry; on    B. worried; off    C. afraid; on    D. fear; off
  (    )5. -I called you yesterday evening, but you were not in
  -Sorry, I_______ in the shop with my mother.
  A. am    B. will be    C. was    D. have been
  (    )6. Ann met an old friend of        in the street. She at once stopped_______.
  A  her; walking    B. her; to walk    C. hers; walking    D. hers; to walk
  (    )7. The little cat miaowed all night. It_______ a baby's cry.
  A  sounds like    B. sounds    C. sounded like   D. sounded
  (    )8. This animal eats_______ or nothing in winter. It just keeps sleeping all the time.
  A. few    B. a few    C. little    D. a little
  (   )9. Which of the following "ed" has the different pronunciations(发音) from the other three?
  A. answered   B. listened    C. danced    D. played
  (    )10. Goldfish don't know_______ to them three seconds ago.
  A. what happens    B. what is happening   C. what happen    D. what happened
  (    )11. Yesterday I met Amy_______.
  A. on my way home    B. in my way home
  C. on my way to home    D. in my way to home
  (    )12. The boy always reads with his eyes_______.
  A. close    B. closing    C. closed    D. closes
  (    )13. In spring, it is good for you to sleep_______ your windows open
  A for    B. and    C. with    D. but
  (    )14. -Will you come to the party next Sunday?
  -_______. I will visit my grandparents in my hometown.
  A I think so    B. I'd like to    C. I'm afraid not    D. I'm afraid so
  (    )15. -Excuse me! You can't take photos here. Look at the sign. It says
  "NO PHOTOS".         - Sorry, I_______ it.
  A. didn't see    B. am going to see    C. won't see    D. don't see
  (    ) 16. Helen_______ for Beijing the other day.
  A. will leave   B. left    C. leaves     D. is leaving
  (    ) 17. -Can you see_______ in the sky?   -Yes, some birds.
  A. everything    B. anything C. something    D. nothing
  (    )18. -Isn't that amazing?
  -_______ I never heard about it. I want to know more about it.
  A. No, it isn't      B. Yes, it is C. No, it is.   D. Yes, it isn't
  (    )19. We_______ in the sea. The water was too cold.
  A. swam not   B. didn't swim C. didn't swam D. don't swim
  (    )20. The mother panda gave birth to_______ baby last week. It was her third baby!
  A. another    B. the other    C. other    D. others
  Thousands of years ago, people didn’t know___36___ to make a fire. When it was very ____37___ at night, they couldn’t sleep well. Sometimes lightning hit(打,击) a ____38____ and started a fire. At first people were both surprised and ___39_____ to see the fire. They were afraid to go up. Later a few ____40____ men took some of this fire and made a fire near their homes. They used the fire to keep them warm and to cook food.
  When they had a fire, they did not let it ____41_____ burn

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