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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 七年级下册试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 520 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2015/5/26 20:28:53
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  ()1. —Do you play __________ violin after school?
  —No, I often play __________ ping-pong.
  A. a, a       B. the, /       C. a, the     D. the, a
  ()2. ---Can Bill play the piano?
  ---__________, but he can play the guitar.
  A. Yes, he can’t  B. No, he can   C. Yes,he can  D. No, he can’t
  ()3. ---Do you often go to the gym?
  ---No, __________.I don’t like sports at all.
  A. always    B. usually    C. never     D. often
  ()4. --- __________ is your hometown from here?
  ---Five miles
  A. How long  B. How far  C. How many   D. How often
  ()5. --- __________do you like pandas?
  ---Because they are very cute.
  A. How      B. Why     C. Where      D. What
  ()6. Look! The boy __________ music.
  A. listen      B. are listening   C. is listening to   D. listening to
  ()7. My sister is having a great time __________my uncle.
  A .visit       B .visiting       C. to visit        D .to visiting
  ()8. Tom sits in front of me, so I sit __________him.
  A. after       B. behind       C. next to         D. across
  ()9. --- __________, is there a post office near here?
  ---__________, I don’t know.
  A. Excuse me; Excuse me    B. Excuse me; Sorry
  C. Sorry; Excuse me         D. Sorry; Sorry
  ()10. We enjoy __________ Jackie Cheng’s movies.
  A. watch      B. look      C. watching       D. looking
  ()11. We__________ his homework on weekends. We________ TV now.
  A. don’t do; are watching     B. aren’t doing; are watching
  C. don’t do; watch           D. aren’t doing; watch
  ()12.--- __________are things going?
  ---Pretty good.
  A. How        B. What      C. When       D. Why
  ()13.We must go to school __________every day.
  A. on time      B. in time     C. for time     D. at time
  ()14.It takes_________ two hours __________the story.
  A. I ; read     B. me; read      C.I; to read      D. me; to read
  ()15. My mother is a teacher and she is good __________ kids.

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