《Working at the Vet’s》同步检测题

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  • 更新时间: 2013/4/23 11:01:35
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  Unit 12 《Working at the Vet’s》同步检测题
  Ⅰ. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词:
  1. **We want some v      to help paint the house.
  2. **He s       water over the flowers just now.
  3. **The little dog w       its tail with pleasure.
  4. **They played carelessly, and they d         to lose.
  5. *It is n         for old people to understand what they think and feel.
  6. *The doctor is giving a s        for a dog.
  7. **Mrs. White gave b      to a fine healthy baby at her late thirties.
  8. The policeman is looking for the o      of the dog.
  9. —What is wrong with her?
  **—She keeps t      .
  10.  The old woman lives alone. She often feels l      .
  1. “I have been to Moscow.” Bill often says.
  2. *“Are you going shopping with me?” Tina asked Lin Fei.
  3. *“What do you like for lunch?” Mike said to Anna.
  4. **“Don’t get out of the room.” Father said to me.
  5. **“There is no water on the moon.” Paul said.
  Ⅲ. 单项选择:
  1. I didn’t know he came back _____ I met him in the street.
  A. since         B. when       C. until        D. after
  2. The air in the countryside is ______, so many people from the city go there on weekends.
  A. soft         B. pretty       C. fresh       D. delicious
  **3. I_____ busy getting ready for the final exam _____ I have no time to write to you.
  A. not, until      B. so, that       C. either, or     D. neither, nor
  4. The drink is _____ delicious _____ I enjoy it very much.
  A. too, to        B. so, that       C. such, that     D. enough, that
  *5. It is _____ for you to get a taxi on such a rainy day.
  A. possible      B. possibly       C. impossible   D. impossibly
  **6. It seems that it is going to rain. You’d better ______ the windows open when you leave the

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