《The Hand》同步检测题

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  Unit 11 《The Hand》同步检测题
  Ⅰ. 根据句意和首字母补全单词:
  1. *A friend of m     told me a story about an old scientist.
  2. **T        Day is on the fourth Thursday of November.
  3. **It is their c        to give thanks to God for the harvest.
  4. **The dinner was p          when I got home yesterday.
  5. **The children can        answer those questions which the foreigner asked.
  6. **She w        how little they had to be thankful for.
  7. *The children looked f         to going on a picnic for a long time.
  8. Every student must h       in their homework after they get to school.
  9. **The little boy looked at me c       .
  10. My sister is w        in swimming, so she has to practice it.
  Ⅱ. 单项选择:
  1. —Can you sing?
  —Yes I can,_____ I can’t sing very well.
  A. but      B. or       C. so       D. and
  **2. You can’t _____ jeans to the party. If you do so, the teacher won’t let you ___.
  A. put on ,in    B. dress, out     C. have , on     D. wear, in
  **3. —In our English study reading is more important than speaking, I think.
  — I don’t agree. Speaking is _____ reading.
  A. as important as      B. so important as  
  C. the most important      D. the same as
  *4. While the alien was visiting the museum, the boy  ______ the TV station.
  A. call      B. ask      C. called      D. asked
  *5. What ____ you ______ at this time yesterday?
  A. did, do    B. is, doing     C. were, doing    D. are ,doing
  6. She didn’t go home.  I didn’t go home,_______.
  A. too       B. also       C. either       D. neither
  *7. He asked me _____ a report card.
  A. write      B. writing      C. to write     D. wrote
  *8. The teacher said I could do better _____ English .
  A. in         B. at          C. on         D. for
  *9. The boy is ______ at lessons in our grade.
  A. the best     B. better       C. good       D. best

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