《The Sports Meet》同步检测题

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  Unit 3 《The Sports Meet》同步检测题
  I. 根据句意和首字母补全单词:
  1. It’s already six o’clock. The meeting is coming to an ________.
  **2. The ________ for the final event calls for attention.
  **3. You have to pay ________ to your handwriting.
  **4. The audiences are too excited to stop ________ for Zhang Yining.
  *5. ________ of his parents are doctors.
  *6. The last game will ________ which class will have the last laugh.
  7. Class 5 did better than Class 3 in the ________ events.
  *8. Finally, Class 5 took the first ________ for the relay race.
  **9. Students from 3 ________ around Dave and said “Congratulation” to him.
  **10. In the relay race, Class 3 did the most ________.
  II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
  1. He always comes to school ________ (early) than any other student in his class.
  2. Do you think writing is much ________ (easy) than speaking?
  *3. Of all the students, I like Biology ________ (well).
  *4. Which sport do you like ________ (well), the long jump or the high jump?
  **5. The Changjiang River is a very ________ (long) river. It’s ________ (long) river in our country.
  **6. Tim jumped ________ (far) than Tom in the long jump.
  **7. Liu Mei does her homework ________ (carefully) than any other student in her class.
  *8. Our country is becoming ________ (strong) and ________ (strong).
  **9. Can you tell me where is ________ (near) hospital?
  **10. Peter jumps ________ (high) of all the players.
  III. 根据中英文提示完成下列各句:
  **1. 到目前为止,两个班都获得了两个第一名。
  Both classes ________________________________________________.
  *2. 很多志愿者太忙了,顾不上吃饭。
  Many volunteers are ________________ have their meals.
  *3. 在男子400米赛跑中,来自三班的大卫跑得最快。
  David from Class 3 ________________ in the Boys’ 400-meter race.

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