《No Smoking》同步检测题

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  • 更新时间: 2013/4/22 23:47:42
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  Unit 4 《No Smoking》同步检测题
  Ⅰ. 根据句意补全单词:
  * 1. Mom       her wash dishes after a meal.
  2. If we don’t finish our homeworr teacher will       us do more exercises.
  * 3. I      to hate eggs. But now I love them.
  ** 4. What          did you have when you were young?
  ** 5. He lighted a         . He looked very comfortable.
  * 6. The doctor told me to take the medicine       a day.
  ** 7. Smoking does        to your health. You’d better quit it.
  * 8. The meat goes bad, please        it away.
  ** 9. The old man doesn’t live here          , he moved to the countryside last year.
  ** 10. “You mustn’t copy others’ homework.” the teacher said to me       .
  Ⅱ. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:
  * 1. Zhang Peng’s father used       (smoke) heavily.
  * 2. She is used to         (get) up early in the morning.
  3. Our P.E. teacher made us         (run) 15 laps today.
  ** 4. 10 percent of the teenagers        (think) smoking is very cool.
  * 5. Teenagers needn’t give up         (smoke).
  **6. According to the survey, one out of five students        (like) playing computer games.
  ** 7. If it         (not rain) tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.
  * 8. I don’t feel like         (throw) them away.
  ** 9. There was not enough time       (finish) the work.
  ** 10. He doesn’t seem          (have) many friends.
  Ⅲ. 根据中英文提示完成下列各句:
  1. 那位老人过去常常吸烟。
  * The old man             .
  2. 它确实让我感到难过。
  ** It really                .
  3. 小的时候,他常常咬自己的手指。
  He              his own fingers when he was young.
  4. 企鹅习惯于寒冷的天气。
  * A penguin                the cold weather.

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