《I hope I will Be More Outgoing》同步检测题

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  • 更新时间: 2013/4/22 22:42:39
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  Unit 2 《I hope I will Be More Outgoing.》同步检测题
  I. 根据句意和首字母补全单词。
  1. Liu Dehua is very tall and __________. He has got a lot of fans.
  *2. I hope I’ll be more __________.
  3. Getting up late is a bad __________. You had better correct it.
  **4. Tim got an ugly __________ yesterday. Those naughty children always laugh at him.
  **5. The dog is very lovely and gentle. It never __________ anybody.
  **6. Being an __________ person is a happy thing.
  *7. Lily is a shy and quiet girl. She is an __________ she is afraid of speaking in public.
  **8. When I got into the classroom, all the classmates looked at me ______ at the same time.
  *9. The __________ often speak and think at the same time.
  *10. What they did didn’t make __________.
  **II. 从II栏中找出与I栏中单词相对应的解释。
  I       II
  1. handsome.      A. of little depth.
  2. thoughtful      B. good-looking
  3. outgoing      C. an introspeative and shy person
  4. ugly       D. lively sociable person
  5. introvert        E. sociable/ communicative
  6. extrovert      F. nasty/ unsightly
  7. meaningful      G. considerate/ thinking deeply
  8. shallow        H. full of meaning
  III. 根据中英文提示完成下列各句。
  1. 性格外向的人和性格内向的人完全不一样。
  The extroverts ___________________________ the introverts.
  2. 今天晚饭我们吃饺子不吃米饭。
  We will have dumplings _________ rice for supper this evening.
  3. 不要为我难过,我没事的。
  Don’t _________. There is nothing wrong with me.
  4. 我们希望下周能够亲眼见到那只大熊猫。

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