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  • 资源类别: 译林牛津版 / 初中试卷 / 八年级下册试卷
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  • 资源大小: 119 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2013/3/12 15:26:54
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.—Will people live to be 300 years old?     — ______________.
  A. No, they aren’t     B. No, they won’t
  C. No, they don’t     D. No, they can’t  
  2.Staying up late is _______ your health.
  A. bad for   B. good to    C. bad to    D. good for
  3.I want___________ the music club
  A.join    B.to  join    C.joins
  4.--- What shall we do this weekend?
  --- You can go swimming, hiking, or ______ else you enjoy doing.
  A. somebody  B. nobody   C. everything  D. anything
  5.______ interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer!
  A. What   B. What an   C. How    D. How an
  6.            you practice,            you can play the violin.
  A. The more, the well               B. The more, the more well
  C. The more, the better              D. More, well
  7.----Which girl is your sister?
  ---- The girl ___________is wearing dark glasses.
  A.which  B.whose   C.who   D.whom
  8.— I have great _______ in learning Maths and I’m so worried. Could you help me?
  — Sure. I’ll be glad to.
  A. difficulty       B. interest       C. fun         D. joy
  9.---Why do you come back so late?
  ---Because there were too many people in the supermarket, and I had to _____to pay for the things.
  A.wait in line     B.cut in line     C.stand up          D.speadly
  10.We can go hiking next week ____ it rains heavily.
  A. unless  B. if   C. though   D. because
  11.That’s the only thing             we can do now.
  A. when         B. who           C. where        D. that
  12.——What _______ bowl of noodles would you like?
  ——Oh, a small bowl, please.
  A. kind            B. size            C. kind of         D. size of
  13.They watch TV__________.
  A. one a week     B. once a week    C. one the week    D. once week
  14.There is _______ “u” and _______ “s” in the word “use”.
  A. a; a     B. a; an    C. an; an    D.an;a
  15.---Doesn’t your father often go to wors ?
  ---____________. But ____________ he goes to work on foot.
  A. No, he doesn’t . sometime     B. Yes , he does . sometimes
  C. Yes, he does. some time       D. No, he doesn’t. sometimes  
  Hello, everyone. My name is Jane Smith. I am   1   . Jane is my   2  name. In my family, there are  3   people------my parents, my sister, my brother and I.   4   a happy family. My mother is a manager   5   she works in a hotel. My father is  6  actor. He often has meals outside(在外面). So we can’t  7   him all day. My brother Jet is a   8    and he works in a police station. My   9   and I are both middle school students. We are

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