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  八年级上 Unit1—Unit3
  1.on weekends   2.on weekdays  3.as for  4.my eating habits  5.have a healthy lifestyle   6.the same as  7.the result of   8.junk food  9.get good grades   10.see a dentist   11.have a healthy habit    12.be stressed out  3.a balanced diet  14.for example 
  15.at the moment  16.be sorry to do sth  17.go bike riding  18.take walks=go for walk  19.take a vacation  20.plan to do sth  21.western country   22.take sth with sb
  23.depend on 24.host family  25.hardly ever  6.ask sb about sth  27.get back to school  8.a balance of  29.kind of
  考点1.want sb to do sth 想要某人干某事
  His father wants him_____(become )an actor.
  考点2.try 的用法:
  1).try to do sth 尽力干某事
  He tries ______(eat) lots of vegetables and fruit every day .
  2).try not to do sth 尽力不干某事
  We try______(not let) my teacher down.
  3).try one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大努力干某事
  We should try our best ______ (study) all subjects.
  4)词组: try on 试穿 have a try    试一试
  考点3.although 的用法:
  although /though 引导让步状语从句,“即使,虽然”,不能与but 连用,但可与yet, still 连用。
  考点4.finish doing sth 结束干某事
  I will finish______ (wort the problem in another two minutes .
  考点5.can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地干某事
  I can’t wait _____(open)the TV when I get home .
  考点6.decide 的用法:
  1).decide to do sth 决定干某事
  2).decide not do sth 决定不干某事
  3).decide on doing sth 决定干某事
  make a decision to do sth = map one’s mind to do sth = decide to do sth
  He has decided to leave for Wuhan .=
  He has ______ a _____ to leave for Wuhan.=
  He has ____up his_____ to leave for Wuhan.
  考点7.plan to do sth 计划干某事
  She is planning ______(take )a vacation in Shanghai next month .
  考点8.thint doing sth 考虑干某事
  He thought about ______(go ) to Beijing on vacati
  八年级(上)Units 7—12 基础知识专练
  1. Why don’t you study at school but h____ out in the pubs of the street?
  2. Look! It’s going to rain. Ta____, please.
  3. Children like playing o____ games. They often play on the playground.
  4. Look at the s____ on the ice! How quickly she is skating!
  5. The boy is o____ among the students.
  6. Deng Yaping joined the n____ table tennis team in 1988.
  7. He s____ learning English when he was 5 years old.
  8. She is a kind and l____ grandmother.
  9. Do you often t____ part in the school sports meeting?
  10. He holds the world r____ for the high jump.
  11. It’s hot here. Let’s look for s____ cool.
  12. She is a r____. Her job is to write articles for newspaper.
  13. He gave me an apple in e____ for a cake.
  14. All the students in my class are working h____ at English.
  15. John is a college student but he has a p____ job in a shop.
  16. It’s very cheap, and at the s____ time it’s very good.
  17. She can speak three f____ languages, such as English, French and Japanese.
  18. Richard is going to be an a____, so he is going to take acting lessons.
  19. The girl i____ many friends to her birthday party last Sunday.
  20. Tina h____ traveling by plane, but she likes taking the train.
  21. Their traveling expenses ____(总计) to seven hundred dollars.
  22. There are some ____(西瓜) on the table.
  23. You ____(混合) flour, yeast and water to make bread.
  24. My mother often makes a chicken ____(三明治) for me.
  25. ____(加上) a few more names to the list.
  26. Please buy me a ____(纪念品) when you visit Hong
  ◆ever     adv.曾经  ◆once  adv. 一次             ◆twice  adv. 两次
  ◆internet  n.互联网  ◆program n.节目单,(电脑)程序    ◆hilltop  n.  山顶
  ◆result n.结果,成果   ◆key  n.提醒,提示,线索,答案    ◆translate  v.翻译
  ◆song  n.歌曲        ◆junk  n.垃圾,破烂物,废弃的旧物 ◆milk  n. 牛奶
  ◆interviewer  n.采访者 ◆habit n.习惯,习性  ◆difference n. 不同,差异,区别
  ◆grade n. 分数,成绩,年级                ◆although  conj. 虽然,即使,纵然
  ◆unhealthy   adj.不健康的,不益健康的    ◆skateboarding  n.溜滑板运动
  ◆how often  多久一次       ◆as for  至于,关于    ◆junk food  垃圾食品  ◆eating habit 饮食习惯     ◆of course 当然         ◆look after 照顾,照看  ◆start with  以…开始     ◆make a difference 使得结果不同,有重要性
  ◆go shopping 去购物     ◆have a party  聚会    ◆go to the movie 去看电影
  ◆once a week 每周一次   ◆ hardly ever 很少   ◆ twice a week  每周两次  ◆three times a week 每周三次  ◆watch TV 看电视   ◆ on weekend 在周末
  ◆do homework    做作业   ◆ a lot of  许多  ◆try to do试图(努力)做某事
  ◆ help sb (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事   ◆ the same as 和……相同
  ◆ keep in good health  保持身体健康
  Unit 1  How often do you exercise?
  go to the movies 去看电影      look after=take care of 照顾
  surf the internet 上网          healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式
  go skate boarding 去划板       keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康
  eating habits 饮食习惯         take more exercise 做更多的运动
  the same as 与什么相同        once a month 一月一次
  be different from 不同          twice a week 一周两次
  make a difference to 对什么有影响      how often 多久一次
  although=though虽然          as for 至于
  activity survey活动调查        do homework做家庭作业
  do housework做家务事        eat less meat 吃更少的肉
  junk food垃圾食物            be good for 对什么有益
  be bad for对什么有害          want to do sth 想做某事
  want sb to do sth想某人做某事   try to do sth 尽量做某事
  come home from school放学回家    of course=certainly=sure 当然
  get good grades 取得好成绩      some advice 一些建议
  most of the students=most students 大多数学生
  shop=go shopping=do some shopping 购物
  exercise=tach) exercise=do sports 锻炼
  help sb to do sth=help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事
  a lot of vegetables=many vegetables 许多蔬菜
  hardly=not nearly/almost not 几乎不
  keep/be in good health保持健康

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