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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 七年级下册试卷
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  • 资源大小: 68 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/8 20:41:02
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  (    ) 1.—________ do you liins?       —Because they’re pretty fun.
  A. What         B. When         C. Where        D. Why 
  (    ) 2.—Do you want ________ see the dolphins?       —Sure.
  A. to see         B. see            C. sees          D. seeing
  (    ) 3. Barry thinks lions are __________ scary.
  A. kind         B. kinds of        C. kind of       D. a kind of  
  (    ) 4. Does koala sleep _______ night?
  A. at           B. in             C. on           D. to
  (    ) 5. Please __________ quiet! The small animal __________ very shy.
  A. is; is         B. be; be          C. is; be        D. be; is
  (    ) 6.—What _________ do you like?       —Math.
  A. animals      B. subject          C. sport        D. movies
  (    ) 7.----Look! What's that in the sky ?
  ----Oh, it's_____________UFO_.
  A. an.    B. the.   C.a.  D. /.
  (    ) 8.—Why _______ your mother _______ dogs?   —Because they’re friendly.[
  A. does; likes                       B. does; like
  C. do; likes                         D. do; like
  (    ) 9. Do you often _________ your dog?
  A. sleep        B. get up          C. play with     D. come from
  (    ) 10. We can see pandas, tigers, giraffes and some _______animals in the zoo.
  A. an          B. the             C. any         D. other
  (    )11.A tortoise can __________1500 years old.
  A. live up to   B. live on     C. live up with   D. live into
  (    )12. People rushed into the room, but found __________.
  A. something unusual      B. nothing unusual
  C. anything serious        D. something serious
  (    )13. ----What do you think of this film, Mum ?
  ----I think this one is ________than that one.
  A. interesting.  B. more interesting   C. most interesting  D. more interested
  (    )14. ----What happened __________ you, Mary ? You looked so sad.
  ----I couldn't find my MP3. It's a present from my mother.
  A. with    B. on    C. for    D. to
  (    )15. ----__________ fine weather today ! Let's go to play football on the playground.
  ----That's a good idea.
  A. How   B. How a  C. What  D. What a
  (   )16.Jack loves _____ best. He often borrows books from the library.
  A.read    B.to reads   C.reading   D.reads
  (   )17.—Would you like to come and play soccer, Jim?
  A.No, I wouldn’t.  B.Good idea!   C.Than.  D.You’re right.
  (   )18.—Where are Jim and Tom? Their mother is looking for them.
  —They _____ at the moment.

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