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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 七年级下册试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 188 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/4/12 22:19:03
  • 资源来源: 会员原创
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  听力部分 20%
  (    )1.  
  A                         B                           C
  (    ) 2                                              
  A                         B                      C
  (    ) 3                                                            
  A                             B                       C
  (    )4
  A                            B                        C
  (    )5 .         
  A                       B                         C
  二、 听对话。从A,B,C中选择一个能回答该问题的选项。5%
  (    )6 .A. It’s cloudy.     B. It’s snowing.     C. It’s windy.
  (    )7. A. He wants to be an actor.    B. She wants to be a nurse.    C. Because it’s an exciting job.
  (    )8. A. A .teacher          B. At school                 C. He teaches Chinese.
  (    )9. A. Play basketball      B. Play computer games        C. Go to the movies
  (    )10. A. She’s watching TV.   B. No, she isn’t .              C. She’s cooking.
  (    )11. What does Tom’s pen pal do?
  A. She’s a teacher.               B. She’s a doctor.
  C. She’s a nurse.                D. She’s an assistant.
  (    )12. What language doesn’t Tom’s pen pal speak?
  A. English         B. French        C. Chinese     D. English and French
  (    )13. Why does the girl like to see the dogs first?
  A. Dogs are friendly and clever.    B. Dogs are fun.    C. Dogs are cute.
  (    )14. Where are the lions from?
  A. Africa                  B. China              C. Canada
  (    )15. How many kinds of animals do they see?
  A. 2                      B. 3                  C. 4
  (    )16. Tom and Mike want to __________.
  A.help with sports, music and computers.     B.be good with children.
  C.find summer jobs.                      D.get help from the Camp
  (    )17. What does the Summer Camp need help with?
  A. Flying kites.                 B. Sports, music and computers.
  C. Making cakes.               D. Drawing pictures.

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