《Have you ever been to Singapore》ppt3

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  • 更新时间: 2010/12/31 18:13:07
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  一.Section 3a     plete the word map with the words from the reading.
  Names of places China,
  Animals lions,
  Seasons summer,
  Languages Chinese,
  Kinds of food rice,
  二..Listen and fill in the blanks with the  proper(适当的) words
  1. Have you ever been to Singapore? _____ many Chinese tourists,this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful place to take a holiday. On the _____ hand , you can simply speatonghua a lot of time. On the _____ hand,Singapore is also a good place to _____ your English.
  2.  In Singapore,you’ll find a lot of food from _____ ,you won’t have any problem _____ rice,noodles,or dumplings.If you’re feeling _____ Singapore is an _____  place to try new food. _____ you like Indian food,western food _____ Japanese food,you’ll find it all in Singapore!
  3.  Singapore has a night zoo _____ the‘‘Night Safari”.A lot of animals only _____ up at night,so this is the best time to watch them.At the Night Safari,you can watch these animals in a more _____ environment than a _____ zoo.
  4.  In Singapore the __________  is almost the same all year round. So you can choose to go ________ you like spring,summer,autumn,or winter.
  三.Quick thinking.
  1.More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.
  A. The number of the people.     B. The number of the factories
  2. Maybe you fear that you aren’t able to find anything to eat.
  A. think               B. be afraid              C.want to know
  3.You can watch the animals in a more natural environment.
  A. 卫生                B. 条件             C.环境           D.风景
  4. You can watch the animals in a more natural environment than a normal zoo.
  A. special        B.usual           C.beautiful       

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