7A Unit 1 ppt(Period 1 Welcome to the unit等教案与课件11个)
- 资源简介:
7A Unit 1 Period 1 Wele to the unit.ppt
7A Unit 1 Period 2 Reading (1).ppt
7A Unit 1 教案.doc
7AUnit 1 period 7 Integrated skills.ppt
7AUnit 1 period 10 Checkout.ppt
7AUnit 1 period 3 Reading (2).ppt
7AUnit 1 period 4 Vocabulary.ppt
7AUnit 1 period 5 Grammar(1).ppt
7AUnit 1 period 6 Grammar(2).ppt
7AUnit 1 period 8 Study Skills.ppt
7AUnit 1 period 9 Main task.ppt
7A Unit 1 This is me
Period 1
ic strip and Wele to the unit
1. 学会介绍自我
2. 学会使用适当的问候语
词组:look after good morning good afternoon
good evening good night
句型:What’s your name?
My name is …
I’m …
词组:how to look after your e-dog
1. 教学挂图
2. 录音机
3. 实物、多媒体
Step I 呈现
1. 教师与全班学生对话:How are you? 全班学生回答:Fine, than.
2. 教师走到学生身边与他们对话:Good morning. I’m Miss/Mr… My English name is … What’s your name? 引导学生回答:Good morning. Miss/Mr… I’m … /My name is … Do you have an English name? What is it?(Ask more than one student) 并把这些句型写在黑板上。对学生说:Look at the blackboard and read after me. 让学生跟读两遍。
Step II 练习
1. 安排学生两人一组用这些句型互相介绍:Boys and girls, it’s time for you to practise now. Please greet your partner. Ask for your partner’s name. Don’t forget to say ‘Good morning.’ before you ask.
2. 教师巡视,适时鼓励:Good. / You are great.
Step III 呈现
1. 告诉同学们我们今天要认识北京阳光中学的几个朋友,让学生打开书,看他们在第一节英语课上是怎样互相介绍的:Today we are going to meet some friends at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. This is their first English class. Open your books at page 7 and read aloud what the students say. (read it with the teacher) 然后叫学生起来回答问题:What’s the girl’s name? What’s the boy’s name? 接下y, Simon, Millie, Kitty, Sandy, Daniel 老师把这些人名写在黑板上并且标出期中的元音音标。带学生朗读这些单词。老师领读文中对话。学生齐读。
Step IV 表演
1. 学生两人一组练习这些对话,然后将它表演出来。
Step V 游戏
1. 呈现实物:时钟。把时间拨到下午某个时间,问学生在这个时间应该怎样和老师或同学打招呼:At this time of day, how do you greet your teacher or your partner?引导学生回答Good afternoon, 教师大声肯定、重复并将正确答案写在黑板上,让学生跟着教师大声说几遍。再把时间拨至傍晚和夜晚的某个时间,教师重复以上步骤并板书Good evening.和 Good night.这两个句子。
2. 学生用纸片自制时间卡,并以卡片上的时间为参照互相问候。
Step VI 呈现
1. 让学生看幻灯片,老师问:What’s the time? 学生回答后教师接着问:Is it in the morning or in the afternoon? 引导学生回答:It’s in the afternoon. 然后引导他们说:Good afternoon.引导学生完成书上Greetings的练习。
2. 注意时间的两种写法,如:14:45=2.45pm
Step VII 游戏
1. 在小纸片上写上每个学生的学号。把所有的纸片放进一个小袋子,并且把他们打混。老师先从小袋子里抽出一张学号,那个学号对应的学生要进行自我介绍,比如: Good morning, I’m … 完成自我介绍后,那个学生再抽出下一个学号。
Step VIII 呈现
1. 教师让学生看幻灯片,同时提问:What is it? 引导学生回答出动物的名字。然后老师问:Do you have an animal in your family? For example, a dog, a cat, a duck and so on. Ss: Yes. T:What is it? Ss: It’s a dog./… T:She is the dog’s master. She looks after the dog. 将master和look after写在黑板上。然后老师领读这两个单词词组以及这两句话。
2. 告诉学生今天要认识两个新朋友,学生听录音并回答两个问题:They are our new friends. Listen carefully and answer my questions. What’s the two dogs’ names? Who’s the master? Is Hobo a dog?
3. 播放录音后,学生回答。 The two dogs’ names are Hobo and Eddie. Eddie is the master. Yes, Hobo is an e-dog.
4. 呈现图中的文字部分,播放录音,学生跟读:Please look at the ic strip and read after the tape.
5. 一遍结束,全班分成两组,分角色进行朗读,互换角色再读一遍:Now, boys are Eddie and girls are Hobo. Read again. One, two, begin!
Step VIIII 表演
1. 学生表演。同桌互换角色表演对话,鼓励学生根据自己的想象添加适当的语言:Work in pairs and read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. You can add your own words.
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