《Would you mind turning down the music》ppt5

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  Teaching Plan
  Unit 7  Would you mind turning down the music?
  Wu Haiqing
  No.2 Middle School
  The first period
  Functions: Maests
  Structures: Would you mind +gerund
  Vocabulary: mind, not at all, right away, yard, dish
  Aids: tape recorder, auto-media classroom
  Difficulties: Give requests politely and answer
  Teaching procedures:
  I Warm up
  Greet the students with some easy questions. What class are they from? What do they often do when they are free? Do they often listen to music? Would they mind listening to an English song? Explain ‘mind’ and the answer ‘no, not at all’. Show students an English song, get them to sing together so that they are excited and then lead to the sentence: We can’t play music too loud when we enjoy it .If we do , other people will plaint.
  II Lead in
  1 Get students to think: How will you plain if your neighbour plays music too loud? Show four kinds of ways to express requests: Turn down the music, please./You should turn down the music./Could you please turn down the music?/Would you mind turning down the music? Let students choose the best sentence and say why, tell them ‘Would you mind doing sth’ is the most polite way to give requests. It is what we are going to learn in this unit.
  2. Show students different pictures and practice the structure: Would you mind….? And give responses.  Teacher give some models first, then students practice by themselves. Being afraid that students will be confused, I first design the positive forms, then negative forms .At the same time , let students know that we can give different responses according to different situation. Thus, students will understand when to use ‘Would you mind… ’, ’Would you mind not’ and how to response.
  III Listen
  Student Book, Section A,2a and 2b.Play tape fo

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